Innovative and evidence-based economic, social, and ecological development in the drylands. Enhancing drylands’ population resilience
to face global challenges.
Envisioning resilient and sustainable livelihoods in drylands.

Our Vision

DAfC envisions resilient and sustainable livelihoods in drylands.

Our Mission

To enhance drylands’ population resilience to face global challenges.

Our Objective

To reduce poverty, hunger, and boost economies to promote resilient ecosystems in the drylands.

Special focus on drylands

DAfC works at the interface/nexus of people, environmental well-being, and governance.
About us

Sustainable solutions in the Drylands.

Drylands Africa Concern (DAfC) is a humanitarian and development organization working to build resilience of vulnerable communities through innovative and evidence-based sustainable solutions in the drylands. The agency aims to support local institutions and vulnerable populations living in fragile and complex drylands to build resilient livelihood systems.

We promote ;

Innovative and evidence-based economic, social, and ecological development in the drylands.

We Achieve our Misson by;

Creating opportunities for the dryland population seeking to improve their lives and livelihoods.

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& Materials

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& Collaborations

Where we work
DAfC works with local communities and populations in the dryland regions of Africa.

DAfC works with local communities and populations in the dryland regions of Africa. In Africa, drylands make up 43% of the total land area, account for 75% of the area used for agriculture (defined to include production of both crops and animals) and are home to 50% of the population.

Thematic Focus

We focus in several thematic areas

Our Partners

Partner with us

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)