Our History

Our History

In 2011, some individuals were working with humanitarian and development agencies in response to protracted drought in the Horn of Africa drylands. Five years later, they were still working with the most vulnerable people to reduce suffering and build their resilience to adverse impact of drought, poverty, and socio-economic challenges.  With no end in sight to alleviate the suffering of vulnerable populations in the drylands, the individuals came together in 2016 to register a Community Based Organization (CBO) to see how best they could put their efforts together to address the diverse needs of dryland communities.

In 2024, the Drylands Africa Concern (DAfC) was fully registered as a research, humanitarian aid, relief, and development non-governmental organization (NGO) in Kenya. DAfC is a charity organization working with dryland communities and partners to build resilient and sustainable livelihood systems.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)